• Given two substitutions S = [t1/x1 .. tn/xn] and V = [u1/y1 ..
um/ym], the composition of S and V, S . V, is the substitution obtained
o Applying V to t1 .. tn [the operation on substitutions with just
this property is called concatenation], and adding any pair uj/yj such
that yj is not in {x1 .. xn}.
For example: [G(x y)/z].[A/x B/y C/w D/z] is [G(A B)/z A/x B/y
Composition is an operation that is associative and non
• A set of forms f1 .. fn is unifiable iff there is a
substitution S such that f1.S = f2.S= .. = fn.S. We then say that S is a unifier
of the set.
For example {P(x F(y) B) P(x F(B) B)} is unified by [A/x B/y] and
also unifiedby [B/y].
• A Most General Unifier (MGU) of a set of forms f1 .. fn
is a substitution S that unifies this set and such that for any other
substitution T that unifies the set there is a substitution V such that S.V =
T. The result of applying the MGU to the forms is called a Most General
Instance (MGI). Here are some examples:
We have introduced the inference rule
Modus Ponens. Now we introduce another
inference rule that is particularly significant, Resolution. Since
it is not trivial to understand, we proceed in two steps. First we introduce Resolution
in the Propositional Calculus, that is, in a language with only truth valued variables.
Then we generalize to First Order Logic.
Resolution in the
Propositional Calculus
In its simplest form Resolution is the inference rule:
{A OR C, B OR (NOT C)}
More in general the Resolution Inference Rule is:
• Given as premises the clauses C1 and C2, where C1 contains the
literal L and C2
contains the literal (NOT L), infer the clause C, called the Resolvent
of C1 and
C2, where C is the union of (C1 - {L}) and (C2 -{(NOT L)})
In symbols:
{C1, C2}
(C1 - {L}) UNION (C2 - {(NOT L)})
The following set of clauses is inconsistent:
1. (P OR (NOT Q))
2. ((NOT P) OR (NOT S))
3. (S OR (NOT Q))
4. Q
In fact:
5. ((NOT Q) OR (NOT S)) from 1. and 2.
6. (NOT Q) from 3. and 5.
7. FALSE from 4. and 6.
Notice that 7. is really the empty clause.
Theorem: The
Propositional Calculus with the Resolution Inference Rule is sound
and Refutation
This theorem requires that clauses be
represented as sets, that is, that each
element of the clause appear exactly once in the clause. This
requires some form of
membership test when elements are added to a clause.
C1 = {P P}
C2 = {(NOT P) (NOT P)}
C = {P (NOT P)}
From now on by resolution we just get again C1, or C2, or C.
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