Saturday, January 11, 2014

Resolution in First Order Logic
Given clauses C1 and C2, a clause C is a RESOLVENT of C1 and C2, if
1. There is a subset C1' = {A1, .., Am} of C1 of literals of the same sign, say
positive, and a subset C2' = {B1, .., Bn} of C2 of literals of the opposite sign, say
2. There are substitutions s1 and s2 that replace variables in C1' and C2' so as to
have new variables,
3. C2'' is obtained from C2 removing the negative signs from B1 .. Bn
4. There is an Most General Unifier s for the union of C1'.s1 and C2''.s2
and C is
((C1 - C1').s1 UNION (C2 - C2').s2).s
In symbols this Resolution inference rule becomes:
{C1, C2}
If C1' and C2' are singletons (i.e. contain just one literal), the rule is called Binary
C1 = {(P z (F z)) (P z A)}
C2 = {(NOT (P z A)) (NOT (P z x)) (NOT (P x z))
C1' = {(P z A)}
C2' = {(NOT (P z A)) (NOT (P z x))}
C2'' = {(P z A) (P z x)}
s1 = [z1/z]
s2 = [z2/z]
C1'.s1 UNION C2'.s2 = {(P z1 A) (P z2 A) (P z2 x)}
s = [z1/z2 A/x]
C = {(NOT (P A z1)) (P z1 (F z1))}
Notice that this application of Resolution has eliminated more than one literal from C2,
i.e. it is not a binary resolution.
Theorem: First Order Logic, with the Resolution Inference Rule, is sound and
refutation complete.
We will not develop the proof of this theorem. We will instead look at some of its steps,
which will give us a wonderful opportunity to revisit Herbrand. But before that let's
observe that in a sense, if we replace in this theorem "Resolution" by "Binary
Resolution", then the theorem does not hold and Binary Resolution is not Refutation
Complete. This is the case when in the implementation we do not use sets but instead use
bags.This can be shown using the same example as in the case of propositional logic.
Given a clause C, a subset D of C, and a substitution s that unifies D, we define C.s to be
a Factor of C.
The Factoring Inference Rule is the rule with premise C and as consequence C.s.
Theorem: For any set of clauses S and clause C, if C is derivable from S using
Resolution, then C is derivable from S using Binary Resolution and Factoring.
When doing proofs it is efficient to have as few clauses as possible. The following
definition and rule are helpful in eliminating redundant clauses:
A clause C1 Subsumes a clause C2 iff there is a substitution s such that C1.s is a
subset of C2.
Subsumption Elimination Rule: If C1 subsumes C2 then eliminate C2.
General Method
If A is the Fill-In-Blanks question that we need to answer and x1 .. xn are the free
variables occurring in A, then we add to the Non-Logical axioms and Facts GAMMA the
NOT A OR ANS(x1 .. xn)
We terminate the proof when we get a clause of the form
ANS(t1 .. tn)
t1 .. tn are terms that denote individuals that simultaneously satisfy the query for,
respectively x1 .. xn.
We can obtain all the individuals that satisfy the original query by continuing the proof
looking for alternative instantiations for the variables x1 .. xn.
If we build the proof tree for ANS(t1 .. tn) and consider the MGUs used in it, the
composition of these substitutions, restricted to x1 .. xn, gives us the individuals that
answer the original Fill-In-Blanks question.

p cl� MoP���yle='margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-layout-grid-align: none;text-autospace:none'>o P(t1[t/x] t2[t/x] .. tn[t/x]), if A is P(t1 t2 .. tn),

o (B[t/x] AND C[t/x]) if A is (B AND C), and similarly for the other
o (ALL x B) if A is (ALL x B), (similarly for EXISTS),
o (ALL y B[t/x]), if A is (ALL y B) and y is different from x (similarly for
The substitution [t/x] can be seen as a map from terms to terms and from formulae to
formulae. We can define similarly [t1/x1 t2/x2 .. tn/xn], where t1 t2 .. tn are terms and x1
x2 .. xn are variables, as a map, the [simultaneous] substitution of x1 by t1, x2 by t2, ..,
of xn by tn. [If all the terms t1 .. tn are variables, the substitution is called an alphabetic
variant, and if they are ground terms, it is called a ground substitution.] Note that a

simultaneous substitution is not the same as a sequential substitution.

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