Sunday, September 14, 2014


1. What is random fractal?
The patterns in the random fractals are no longer perfect and the random defects at all scale.

2. Write about drawing scenes using OPENGL.
OpenGL draws scenes by combining the ambient ,diffuse and specular components of light that illuminate a vertex of an object. It uses the phong model to calculate the specular light component.

3. Give the types of textures.
There are two principle kinds of textures used. With a image texture a 2D image is pasted onto each surface of the object. With a solid texture the object is considered to be carved out of a block of solid material that itself has texturing.The ray traces reveals the color of the texture at each point on the surface of the object.

4. What is the purpose of scene class?
The scene class can read a file in the SDL language and build a list of objects in a scene.This class can be used for ray tracing as well as to build scenes using the following code:
Scene scn;

5. Define a Peano curve.
A curve can in fact fill the plane and therefore have a dimension of 2 such curves are called Peano curve.

6.Define Random Factrals?
The term fractal usually refers to sets which, in some sense, have a self-similar structure. Indeed, some form of self-similarity is common in random sets, in particular those arising from stochastic processes. Therefore studying fractal aspects is an important feature of modern stochastic geometry. Early progress in fractal geometry often referred to sets with obvious self similarity, like the _xed point so filterated function systems.

7. What is Multitexturing?
Multi texturing is the use of more than one texture at a time on a polygon. For instance, a light map texture may be used to light a surface as an alternative to recalculating that lighting every time the surface is rendered.

8.What is turbulence.
Turbulence is a noise generating method where several noise components are mixed and they fluctates slowly as we move slightly through the space.The more rapidly varying componts are given smaller strengths.

9. Define Ray class.
Class Ray
Point3 start;
vector3 dir;
void setstart(point3 &p){start.x=p.x;...}
void setDir(Vector &v){dir.x=v.x;...}

10.What do you meant by self similar.
Self similarity means that two curves appear the same at any scale.No matter how much one enlarges a picture of the curve.

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