Tuesday, August 19, 2014


1. Can you call one constructor from another if a class has multiple constructors
Yes. Use this() syntax.

2. Explain the usage of Java packages.
This is a way to organize files when a project consists of multiple modules. It also helps resolve naming conflicts when different packages have classes with the same names. Packages access level also allows you to protect data from being used by the non-authorized classes.

3. If a class is located in a package, what do you need to change in the OS environment to be able to use it?
You need to add a directory or a jar file that contains the package directories to the CLASSPATH environment variable. Let’s say a class Employee belongs to a package com.xyz.hr; and is located in the file c:/dev/com.xyz.hr.Employee.java. In this case, you’d need to add c:/dev to the variable CLASSPATH. If this class contains themethod main(), you could test it from a command prompt window as follows: c:\>java com.xyz.hr.Employee

4. What’s the difference between J2SDK 1.5 and J2SDK 5.0?
There’s no difference, Sun Microsystems just re-branded this version.

5. What would you use to compare two String variables - the operator == or the method equals()?
I’d use the method equals() to compare the values of the Strings and the = = to check if two variables point at the same instance of a String object.

6. Does it matter in what order catch statements for FileNotFoundException and IOExceptipon are written?
 Yes, it does. The FileNoFoundException is inherited from the IOException. Exception’s subclasses have to be caught first.

7. Can an inner class declared inside of a method access local variables of this method?
It’s possible if these variables are final.

8. What can go wrong if you replace && with & in the following code:
String a=null; if (a!=null && a.length()>10)
 A single ampersand here would lead to a NullPointerException.

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