Saturday, May 3, 2014

Software Architecture unit 5

1. Name three examples for research systems that aim to support architectural design and analysis. 
-UniCon: a language and set of tools for architectural description. 
-Aesop: a toolkit for constructing style-specific architectural design environments. 
-Wright: a language which supports architectural specification. 

2. Briefly explain UniCon. 
UniCon is an architectural-description language intended to aid designers in defining software architectures in terms of abstractions that they find useful, and in making a smooth transition to code. 

3.Illustrate the Heterogeneous implementation of a pipeline using both pipes and procedures. 
Gatherer Sorter Reverser 
Stk Lib 

4. Define the structure for Components and Connectors. 
Components contain the following: 
-Component type 
Connectors contain the following: 
-Connector type 

5. Define components in UniCon. 

 Components are the loci of computation and state. Each component has an interface specification that defines its properties, which include the component’s type or subtype, functionality, guarantees about global invariants, performance characteristics etc. 

6. Define Connectors in UniCon. 
Connectors are the loci of relations among components. They mediate interactions; they provide the rules for hooking up. 

7. What are the types of components? 
The two types of components are primitive or composite. Primitive components could be coded in a conventional programming language, in shell scripts of the OS or as software developed in an application such as a spreadsheet. Composite components define configurations in a notation independent of conventional programming languages. 

8. What are the parts of implementation for a composite element? 
-a parts list ( components and connectors) 
-composition instructions ( association between roles and players) 
-abstraction mapping (relation between internal players and players of the composite) 
-Other related specifications. 

9. Name some of the idiomatic patterns of components and connectors. 
Common system-composition idioms, such as pipeline, client-server, or blackboard, can be defined as idiomatic patterns, or styles of components and connectors. 

10. Briefly explain the abstraction mapping of the component. 
In case of abstraction mapping of the component, the definition must explicitly indicate the correspondence among one or more external players, one or more players of the constituent components, and the implementation rule. 

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