Thursday, April 24, 2014


Two Marks
1.Differentiate  Exception and Error
2.How to create custom Exceptions?
 3.What are the types  of Exceptions in Java?
4.How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an exception?
5.When is the finally clause of a try-catch-finally statement executed?
6.What are the different ways to handle exceptions?
7.Differentiate Final, Finalize() and finally() in Java.
8.Ehat is the difference between throw and throws clause?
9.What is Multithreading?
10.What are the 3 ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state?
11.What is synchronization and why is it important?
12.What is serialization?
13.What is  a thread priority?
14. What is a File? Why do we require files to store data?
15.What is a stream? How is the concept of streams used in java?
16.What is the difference between Application and Applet?
17.What is the Lifecycle of an Applet?
18.What is Source  and Listener?
19.Define Delegation Event model.
20.Differentiate Init() and Start() methods.

Detail  Questions(16 Marks)
  1. Create a try blocks  that is likely to generate  3 types of exception and then incorporate necessary catch blocks to catch and handle them appropriately.
  2. i)What is a finally block? When and how it is used? Give a suitable  example.(8)
ii)Explain Multiple catch statements using example program?(8)
  1. Describe the complete Lifecycle of a thread with a neat diagram and give suitable program?
  2. Write a Program that will count the number of characters , lines and words in a file?
  3. Develop an applet that receives 3 numeric values  as input from the user and then display the largest of 3 on the screen.
  4. Explain Event handling mechanism with example?

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