1. Explain the various types of computer systems.
Mainframe systems
Desktop systems
Multiprocessor systems
Distributed systems
Clustered systems
Real-time systems
Handheld systems
2. Explain how protection is provided for the hardware resources by the operating system.
Dual mode operation
I/O protection with diagram
Memory protection with diagram
CPU protection
3. What are the system components of an operating system and explain them?
Process management
Main-memory management
File management
I/O management
Secondary storage management
Protection system
Command-interpreter system
4. Write about the various system calls.
Process control
File management
Device management
Information maintenance
5. What are the various process scheduling concepts
Scheduling queues with diagram
Queueing diagram
Context switch with diagram
6. Explain about interprocess communication.
Message-passing system
Direct communication
Indirect communication
7. Give an overview about threads.
Thread definition
User and kernel threads
8. Explain in detail about the threading issues.
The fork and exec system calls
Signal handling
Threads pools
Thread-specific data
9. Write about the various CPU scheduling algorithms.
First-come, first-served scheduling
Shortest-job-first scheduling
Priority Scheduling
Round-robin scheduling
Multilevel queue scheduling
Multilevel feedback queue scheduling
10.Write notes about multiple-processor scheduling and real-time scheduling.
Homogeneous systems
Load sharing
Resource reservation
Priority inversion
Priority inheritance protocol
Dispatch latency with diagram
11.What is critical section problem and explain two process solutions and multiple process solutions?
Critical section problem definition
Two process solutions
Algorithm 1, 2 & 3
Multiple-process solution with algorithm
12.Explain what semaphores are, their usage, implementation given to avoid busy waiting and binary semaphores.
Semaphore definition
Usage for mutual exclusion and process synchronization
Implementation to avoid spinlock using block and wakeup
Binary semaphores
13.Explain the classic problems of synchronization.
The bounded-buffer problem with structure
The readers-writers problem with structure
The dining-philosophers problem with structure
14.Write about critical regions and monitors.
Critical region definition
Implementation of the conditional-region construct
Monitor definition
Syntax of monitor
Schematic view of monitors
Monitor with condition variables
Monitor solution to dining-philosopher problem
15.Give a detailed description about deadlocks and its characterization
Deadlock definition
Deadlock conditions
Mutual exclusion
Hold and wait
No pre-emption
Circular wait
Resource allocation graph
16.Explain about the methods used to prevent deadlocks
Ensure that at least one of the following does not hold
Mutual exclusion
Hold and wait
No pre-emption
Circular wait
17.Write in detail about deadlock avoidance.
Safe state and safe sequence
Diagram for safe, unsafe & deadlock states
Resource-allocation graph algorithm
18.Explain the Banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
Deadlock avoidance definition
Data structures used
Safety algorithm
Resource request algorithm
19.Give an account about deadlock detection.
Single instance of each resource type
Wait-for graph
Several instances of a resource type
Detection-algorithm usage
20.What are the methods involved in recovery from deadlocks?
Process termination
Resource pre-emption
21.Explain about contiguous memory allocation.
Contiguous allocation
Memory protection with diagram
Memory allocation
First fit
Best fit
Worst fit
22.Give the basic concepts about paging.
Paging definition
Basic method-page, frame, page table, page number & page offset
Paging hardware diagram
TLB with diagram
Protection-protection bits & valid-invalid bits
23.Write about the techniques for structuring the page table.
Hierarchical paging-two-level & multi-level with diagram
Hashed page table with diagram
Inverted page table with diagram
24.Explain the basic concepts of segmentation.
User view of program
Segmentation definition
Hardware used with diagram-segment table, base, limit & offset
Protection and sharing with diagram
25.What is demand paging and what is its use?
Demand paging definition
Virtual memory implementation
Lazy swapper, page fault, pure demand paging, valid-invalid bit
26.Explain the various page replacement strategies.
Page replacement-basic scheme with diagram
FIFO page replacement
Optimal page replacement
LRU page replacement
LRU approximation page replacement
Counting-based page replacement
Page buffering algorithm
27.What is thrashing and explain the methods to avoid thrashing?
Thrashing definition
Cause of thrashing
Working set model
Page-fault frequency
28.What are files and explain the access methods for files?
File definition
Attributes, operations and types
Sequential access with diagram
Direct access
Other access methods-index with diagram
29.Explain the schemes for defining the logical structure of a directory.
Single level directory with diagram
Two level directory with diagram
Tree structured directory with diagram
Acyclic-graph directory with diagram
General graph directory with diagram
30.Write notes about the protection strategies provided for files.
Types of access
Access control list (ACL)
Three classifications-owner, group & universe
Other protection approaches-passwords
31.Explain the allocation methods for disk space.
Contiguous allocation advantage, disadvantage & diagram
Linked allocation advantage, disadvantage & diagram
Indexed allocation advantage, disadvantage & diagram
32.What are the various methods for free space management?
Bit vector with example
Linked list with diagram
33.Write about the kernel I/O subsystem.
I/O scheduling
Spooling & device reservation
Error handling
Kernel data structures
34.Explain the various disk scheduling techniques
FCFS scheduling
SSTF scheduling
SCAN scheduling
C-SCAN scheduling
LOOK scheduling
35.Write notes about disk management and swap-space management.
Disk formatting-low level formatting
Boot block-bootstrap loader, boot block, boot disk & system disk
Bad blocks-sector sparing, sector slipping
Swap-space use
Swap-space location
Swap-space management
Mainframe systems
Desktop systems
Multiprocessor systems
Distributed systems
Clustered systems
Real-time systems
Handheld systems
2. Explain how protection is provided for the hardware resources by the operating system.
Dual mode operation
I/O protection with diagram
Memory protection with diagram
CPU protection
3. What are the system components of an operating system and explain them?
Process management
Main-memory management
File management
I/O management
Secondary storage management
Protection system
Command-interpreter system
4. Write about the various system calls.
Process control
File management
Device management
Information maintenance
5. What are the various process scheduling concepts
Scheduling queues with diagram
Queueing diagram
Context switch with diagram
6. Explain about interprocess communication.
Message-passing system
Direct communication
Indirect communication
7. Give an overview about threads.
Thread definition
User and kernel threads
8. Explain in detail about the threading issues.
The fork and exec system calls
Signal handling
Threads pools
Thread-specific data
9. Write about the various CPU scheduling algorithms.
First-come, first-served scheduling
Shortest-job-first scheduling
Priority Scheduling
Round-robin scheduling
Multilevel queue scheduling
Multilevel feedback queue scheduling
10.Write notes about multiple-processor scheduling and real-time scheduling.
Homogeneous systems
Load sharing
Resource reservation
Priority inversion
Priority inheritance protocol
Dispatch latency with diagram
11.What is critical section problem and explain two process solutions and multiple process solutions?
Critical section problem definition
Two process solutions
Algorithm 1, 2 & 3
Multiple-process solution with algorithm
12.Explain what semaphores are, their usage, implementation given to avoid busy waiting and binary semaphores.
Semaphore definition
Usage for mutual exclusion and process synchronization
Implementation to avoid spinlock using block and wakeup
Binary semaphores
13.Explain the classic problems of synchronization.
The bounded-buffer problem with structure
The readers-writers problem with structure
The dining-philosophers problem with structure
14.Write about critical regions and monitors.
Critical region definition
Implementation of the conditional-region construct
Monitor definition
Syntax of monitor
Schematic view of monitors
Monitor with condition variables
Monitor solution to dining-philosopher problem
15.Give a detailed description about deadlocks and its characterization
Deadlock definition
Deadlock conditions
Mutual exclusion
Hold and wait
No pre-emption
Circular wait
Resource allocation graph
16.Explain about the methods used to prevent deadlocks
Ensure that at least one of the following does not hold
Mutual exclusion
Hold and wait
No pre-emption
Circular wait
17.Write in detail about deadlock avoidance.
Safe state and safe sequence
Diagram for safe, unsafe & deadlock states
Resource-allocation graph algorithm
18.Explain the Banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
Deadlock avoidance definition
Data structures used
Safety algorithm
Resource request algorithm
19.Give an account about deadlock detection.
Single instance of each resource type
Wait-for graph
Several instances of a resource type
Detection-algorithm usage
20.What are the methods involved in recovery from deadlocks?
Process termination
Resource pre-emption
21.Explain about contiguous memory allocation.
Contiguous allocation
Memory protection with diagram
Memory allocation
First fit
Best fit
Worst fit
22.Give the basic concepts about paging.
Paging definition
Basic method-page, frame, page table, page number & page offset
Paging hardware diagram
TLB with diagram
Protection-protection bits & valid-invalid bits
23.Write about the techniques for structuring the page table.
Hierarchical paging-two-level & multi-level with diagram
Hashed page table with diagram
Inverted page table with diagram
24.Explain the basic concepts of segmentation.
User view of program
Segmentation definition
Hardware used with diagram-segment table, base, limit & offset
Protection and sharing with diagram
25.What is demand paging and what is its use?
Demand paging definition
Virtual memory implementation
Lazy swapper, page fault, pure demand paging, valid-invalid bit
26.Explain the various page replacement strategies.
Page replacement-basic scheme with diagram
FIFO page replacement
Optimal page replacement
LRU page replacement
LRU approximation page replacement
Counting-based page replacement
Page buffering algorithm
27.What is thrashing and explain the methods to avoid thrashing?
Thrashing definition
Cause of thrashing
Working set model
Page-fault frequency
28.What are files and explain the access methods for files?
File definition
Attributes, operations and types
Sequential access with diagram
Direct access
Other access methods-index with diagram
29.Explain the schemes for defining the logical structure of a directory.
Single level directory with diagram
Two level directory with diagram
Tree structured directory with diagram
Acyclic-graph directory with diagram
General graph directory with diagram
30.Write notes about the protection strategies provided for files.
Types of access
Access control list (ACL)
Three classifications-owner, group & universe
Other protection approaches-passwords
31.Explain the allocation methods for disk space.
Contiguous allocation advantage, disadvantage & diagram
Linked allocation advantage, disadvantage & diagram
Indexed allocation advantage, disadvantage & diagram
32.What are the various methods for free space management?
Bit vector with example
Linked list with diagram
33.Write about the kernel I/O subsystem.
I/O scheduling
Spooling & device reservation
Error handling
Kernel data structures
34.Explain the various disk scheduling techniques
FCFS scheduling
SSTF scheduling
SCAN scheduling
C-SCAN scheduling
LOOK scheduling
35.Write notes about disk management and swap-space management.
Disk formatting-low level formatting
Boot block-bootstrap loader, boot block, boot disk & system disk
Bad blocks-sector sparing, sector slipping
Swap-space use
Swap-space location
Swap-space management
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