Knowledge engineering in first
order logic
• A sentence (also called a formula or well-formed formula
or wff) is defined as:
1. A symbol
2. If S is a sentence, then ~S is a sentence, where "~"
is the "not" logical
3. If S and T are sentences, then (S v T), (S ^ T), (S => T),
and (S <=> T) are
sentences, where the four logical connectives correspond to
"or," "and,"
"implies," and "if and only if," respectively
4. A finite number of applications of (1)-(3)
• Examples of PL sentences:
o (P ^ Q) => R (here meaning "If it is hot and humid, then
it is raining")
o Q => P (here meaning "If it is humid, then it is
o Q (here meaning "It is humid.")
• Given the truth values of all of the constituent symbols in a
sentence, that
sentence can be "evaluated" to determine its truth value
(True or False). This is
called an interpretation of the sentence.
• A model is an interpretation (i.e., an assignment of
truth values to symbols) of a
set of sentences such that each sentence is True. A model is just
a formal
mathematical structure that "stands in" for the world.
• A valid sentence (also called a tautology) is a
sentence that is True under all
interpretations. Hence, no matter what the world is actually like
or what the
semantics is, the sentence is True. For example "It's raining
or it's not raining."
• An inconsistent sentence (also called unsatisfiable or
a contradiction) is a
sentence that is False under all interpretations. Hence the
world is never like what
it describes. For example, "It's raining and it's not
• Sentence P entails sentence Q, written P |= Q, means that
whenever P is True, so
is Q. In other words, all models of P are also models of Q
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