Formal grammar for a fragment of English
Ambiguities are resolved
using the following methods.
• models and algorithms are introduced to
resolve ambiguities at different levels.
• part-of-speech tagging --
Deciding whether duck is verb or noun.
• word-sense
disambiguation -- Deciding whether make is create or cook.
• lexical disambiguation --
Resolution of part-of-speech and word-sense ambiguities are two important kinds
of lexical disambiguation.
• syntactic ambiguity --
her duck is an example of syntactic ambiguity, and can be addressed by
probabilistic parsing.
Syntactic analysis
Syntax: The atomic symbols of the logical language, and the rules for
constructing wellformed,
non-atomic expressions (symbol structures) of the logic. Syntax
specifies the
symbols in the language and how they can be combined to form
sentences. Hence facts
about the world are represented as sentences in logic.
knowledge as formal logic:
All dogs have tails : dog(x)
hasatail(x) Advantages:
• A set of strict rules.
o Can be used to derive more facts.
o Truths of new statements can be verified.
o Guaranteed correctness.
• Many inference procedures available to
in implement standard rules of logic.
• Popular in AI systems. e.g Automated
theorem proving.
• Knowledge encoded in some procedures
o small programs that know how to do
specific things, how to proceed.
o e.g a parser in a natural
language understander has the knowledge that a noun phrase may contain
articles, adjectives and nouns. It is represented by calls to routines that
know how to process articles, adjectives and nouns.
• Heuristic or domain specific
knowledge can be represented.
• Extended logical inferences,
such as default reasoning facilitated.
• Side effects of actions may be
modelled. Some rules may become false in time.
Keeping track of this in large systems
may be tricky.
• Completeness -- not all cases may be
• Consistency -- not all deductions may
be correct.
e.g If we know that Fred
is a bird we might deduce that Fred can fly. Later we might discover
that Fred is an emu.
• Modularity is sacrificed. Changes in
knowledge base might have far-reaching effects.
• Cumbersome control information.
The following properties should be
possessed by a knowledge representation system.
-- the ability to represent the required
Inferential Adequacy
- the ability to manipulate the
knowledge represented to produce new knowledge
corresponding to that inferred from the
• Representations of actions: programs that develop
successor state descriptions which
represent actions.
• Representation of state: every state description
is complete. This is because a
complete description of the initial state is given,
and actions are represented by a program
that creates complete state descriptions.
• Representation of goals: a problem solving agent
has only information about it's
goal, which is in terms of a goal test and the
heuristic function.
• Representation of plans: in problem solving, the
solution is a sequence of actions.
In a simple problem: "Get a quart of milk
and a bunch of bananas and a variable speed
cordless drill" for a problem solving exercise we
need to specify:
Initial State: the agent is at home without any
objects that he is wanting.
Operator Set: everything the agent can do.
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