First Order Logic
Let us first introduce the symbols, or alphabet, being used.
Beware that there are all sorts
of slightly different ways to define FOL.
• Logical Symbols: These are symbols that have a standard meaning,
like: AND,
• Non-Logical Symbols: divided in:
o Constants:
Predicates: 1-ary, 2-ary,
.., n-ary. These are usually just identifiers.
Functions: 0-ary, 1-ary,
2-ary, .., n-ary. These are usually just
identifiers. 0-ary functions are also called individual
Where predicates return true or false, functions can return any
o Variables: Usually an identifier.
One needs to be able to distinguish the identifiers used for
predicates, functions,
and variables by using some appropriate convention, for example,
capitals for
function and predicate symbols and lower cases for variables.
A Term is either an individual constant (a 0-ary function), or a
variable, or an n-ary
function applied to n terms: F(t1 t2
[We will use both the notation F(t1 t2 and the notation (F
t1 t2 .. tn)]
A Clause is a disjunction of literals. A Ground Clause is a
variable-free clause. A Horn
Clause is a clause with at most one positive literal. A Definite
Clause is a Horn Clause
with exactly one positive Literal.
Notice that implications are equivalent to Horn or Definite
(A IMPLIES B) is equivalent to ( (NOT A) OR B)
(A AND B IMPLIES FALSE) is equivalent to ((NOT A) OR (NOT B)).
A Formula is either:
• an atomic formula, or
• a Negation, i.e. the NOT of a formula, or
• a Conjunctive Formula, i.e. the AND of formulae, or
• a Disjunctive Formula, i.e. the OR of formulae, or
• an Implication, that is a formula of the form (formula1
IMPLIES formula2), or
• an Equivalence, that is a formula of the form (formula1
IFF formula2), or
• a Universally Quantified Formula, that is a formula of
the form (ALL variable
formula). We say that occurrences of variable are bound in
formula [we should
be more precise]. Or
• a Existentially Quantified Formula, that is a formula of
the form (EXISTS
variable formula). We say that occurrences of variable are bound
in formula [we
should be more precise].
An occurrence of a variable in a formula that is not bound, is
said to be free.
A formula where all occurrences of variables are bound is called a
closed formula, one
where all variables are free is called an open formula.
A formula that is the disjunction of clauses is said to be in Clausal
Form. We shall see
that there is a sense in which every formula is equivalent to a
clausal form.
Often it is convenient to refer to terms and formulae with a
single name. Form or
Expression is used to this end.
• Given a term s, the result [substitution instance] of substituting
a term t in s
for a variable x, s[t/x], is:
o t, if s is the variable x
o y, if s is the variable y different from x
o F(s1[t/x] s2[t/x] .. sn[t/x]), if s is F(s1 s2 .. sn).
Version 1 CSE IIT, Kharagpur
• Given a formula A, the result (substitution instance) of substituting
a term t in
A for a variable x, A[t/x], is:
o FALSE, if A is FALSE,
o P(t1[t/x] t2[t/x] .. tn[t/x]), if A is P(t1 t2 .. tn),
o (B[t/x] AND C[t/x]) if A is (B AND C), and similarly for the
o (ALL x B) if A is (ALL x B), (similarly for EXISTS),
o (ALL y B[t/x]), if A is (ALL y B) and y is different from x
(similarly for
The substitution [t/x] can be seen as a map from terms to terms
and from formulae to
formulae. We can define similarly [t1/x1 t2/x2 .. tn/xn], where t1
t2 .. tn are terms and x1
x2 .. xn are variables, as a map, the [simultaneous]
substitution of x1 by t1, x2 by t2, ..,
of xn by tn. [If all the terms t1 .. tn are variables, the substitution is
called an alphabetic
variant, and if they are ground terms, it is called a ground
substitution.] Note that a
simultaneous substitution is not the same as a sequential
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